Monday, January 24, 2011

Homemade Rabbit Feeders

Living the life

I am working now with the theme "Sense of a disease" and "secondary gain". "What?", Will you now say, "What is a disease to have a sense or about to be a profit yet?".

Many who were schonmal longer or more severely ill, unconscious or consciously make the experience, it somehow has something positive to be sick. For example, because one is being cared for because you have less responsibility, or make fewer decisions must be because people take care of suddenly or show that it is important to them, because some things do not exist or perfectly do have, because others take on a consideration .

trust most not to admit the idea and find it terribly much lighter and they also prevent the healthy if you are set up in it.

a disease often brings us to again think differently about life, we refocus, to dare to say at last no time or think about themselves or to do something good.

I myself have experienced this at least just me and I find it amazing what new insights you can win if you are curious and self-researched. It is, in my view very important not to drop in a disease but to work on and with her - on whatever way.

Be curious and explore the psychological and energetic causes of your illness. provides assistance to it enough. And sometimes you just have a little dig deeper with them (perhaps after a pulse from a book, for example, by RĂ¼diger Dahlke or Louise L. Hay) and reflect on the topic. Usually one can not at first look at what is logical as it has pushed the issue so far and verbuddelt deep that it may first appear totally obscure. But it is important to make these ideas to resolve the underlying theme legend.

said to be present when a serious illness such as cancer is a shock, trauma, about 6-18 months before the outbreak of the disease. So to see if it is during this period one or more events was that you have thrown off course or you have thrown off course, if you will If you had admitted.

But it may not always be so violent. It's enough if you only as many years for others was always withdrawn or revised, has so that the body calls for its break.

If you are sick, you should ask: What
will tell me the disease (actually always been that I been on the wrong, I'm not doing well started and needs to change something)?
What should I change (usually stuck behind things such as love themselves more, set limits, relax, be genuine, speak his mind)? What should
I allow myself time to time? What impressed me
? What should I direct my focus?

Also thoughts on the above mentioned secondary gain can give a hint. When I think "Oh, somehow this is also quite nice, so to be looked after." I have previously might be tempted to always do everything at once, accepted no help and did not realize that I also like to have time to drop instead of always keeping everything under control.

And now I wonder why most of us wait until illness forces them to think of the long-delayed and finally change things or to attack? stood in a health magazine to the fact that to be doing for our brain strenuous and high energy consumption, new ways, so it is rather the old ways and makes a small revolt when you try to change anything.

I can only advise and other and want to regularly listen to the inside, to take care of themselves, to recognize what does it with good and to do this and to see what or who to me is not good and the situation . change Years of ignoring and perseverance lead to disease. And then when you have won the recognition it and changed, one wonders how one could do so only so long and how much time you have lost with his own predatory tactics.

So come on `s. If you something very depressed, researched the cause and go to the topic. Do not wait until you are sick and be forced to.


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