Thursday, December 23, 2010

To Say To Someone Having A Baby

December ... a mini album of Christmas photos

Last year at the convention we have made this album and I liked it so well that I have also made it many times to stamp parties.
This time I used stickers from the Simply Scrappin Kit "Christmas Jingle" (catalog p. 95). It is so quick and easy, so that one can make several albums.

is based on a cardstock in 30 x 30 cm. It folds to 15cm, the cardstock will turn 90 degrees and score again at 15 cm. Then a rabbet is cut 15 cm:

4 pieces of olive green Cardstock cut to 14 x 14 cm and glue:

These are the stickers from the Simply Scrappin Kit. The borders are long and 30.5 cm self-adhesive:

I glued the borders and come out the photos. Then, on the other decorated with stickers from the package. fold

The top half of the lower half and then folded. If desired, decorate with a ribbon and close the album.
I have not had clam circle pendant from the projects of the last few days left, and one with a silver cord (p. 96) attached to the tape.

so fast you can make the most beautiful Christmas photos with a mini album ....



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